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  • Real Tenders

    Only “clean” tenders are held on our site. The winner is the one who gives the best price or term!

  • One contract

    By signing one contract with Cargotenders, you are signing a contract with tens of thousands of companies from around the world.

  • Responsibility

    All responsibility for each transaction rests with Cargotenders. We guarantee peace for both.

  • Free access

    For the use of the site does not provide any subscription fees and entrance fees!

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Take part in tenders for trucking and give the best rates

2 8 (800) 700-09-27
  • Who ensures that the cargo in safe?

    For the safety and security of the delivery fully meets the company СargoTenders. In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, the company shall fully compensate for damages.

  • Who checks carriers?

    The company CargoTenders takes care of all risks – independently verifies the legal “purity” and follows the reputation of all the carriers participating in the tenders.