Personal account
  • How to apply for the delivery of the goods?

    To accommodate the request in the system CargoTenders, the customer must complete the registration by filling out the short form on the website - specify in the appropriate fields the most accurate information on the cargo, as well as, based on its requirements, write additional settings - the desired delivery time, price and etc.

  • How quickly you can obtain information about the cost and time of delivery of cargo?

    The term answer the customer installs itself, but in the mind of participation in tenders, the increase in the period of the claim in the system increases and the likelihood of obtaining proposals with the best price and the term of delivery. The minimum term of the receipt of a response on the application is 2 hours.

  • Who ensures that the cargo in safe?

    For the safety and security of the delivery fully meets the company СargoTenders. In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, the company shall fully compensate for damages.

  • How to pay for service?

    Payment is made by the transfer of funds from the account of a legal or physical person. Money can be transferred using the bank cards Visa or MasterCard.

  • How to search a carrier?

    The search for the carrier is by placing an order on the Tender surface CargoTenders, at which there were more than 5000 companies. Carriers offer their price and delivery time. On the basis of the Suggested Applications, the system automatically selects the two proposals. The first proposal at the lowest price and the second proposal for the fast delivery. Further to the customer selects the most relevant to the proposal.

  • How to become a participant of tendering platform?

    Trucking companies can participate in tenders СargoTenders, following a number of simple conditions. Carriers must enter into a contract with the tender site, to register on the website, to participate in the tender auction.

  • Who checks carriers?

    The company CargoTenders takes care of all risks – independently verifies the legal “purity” and follows the reputation of all the carriers participating in the tenders.