Personal account


Process card payment.

To select payment via credit card upon confirmation of the Application satisfies all the criterias, you must click "Continue". Then you go to the payment system you must click "Payment by credit card", then you will need to enter the card number, expiration date, card holder's name (in Latin letters, as written on the card, CVC2/CVV2 code, and click to pay.)

Payment is via the authorization server, Processing center at JSCB "RosEvroBank" (JSC) with the use of Bank credit cards the following payment systems:

  • VISA International
  • MasterCard Europe Sprl.

For payment You will be redirected to the payment gateway JSCB "RosEvroBank" (JSC) "АКБ "РосЕвроБанк" (АО)" to enter details of Your card. This website supports 258-bit encryption. Confidentiality of the transferred personal information is provided by JSCB "RosEvroBank" (JSC) "АКБ "РосЕвроБанк" (АО)" . The entered information will not be disclosed to third parties except for the cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Payments with Bank cards are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of payment systems Visa Int. and MasterCard Europe Sprl. Please prepare Your card in advance.

If Your Bank supports the safe conduct online transactions such as Verified By Visa or MasterCard Secure Code to complete the payment, you may also need to enter a special password. Methods and the ability to obtain passwords for making online payments You can check with the Bank that issued the card.

Error with payment

In case of any bad situation with payment by credit card, report it by calling us by phone: 8-800-700-09-27 or e-mail at: [email protected]

Cancellation/Refund order

When you cancel/return Services from paid order or canceling the order as a whole, You can order another Service for the same amount or return the full amount to the card with the help of written request by e-mail [email protected]

If you cancel/refund the whole order or several items from him, the refund is possible only at the expense of the Bank card with which payment was carried out.

The term of refund after cancellation of order is from 1 to 30 calendar days depending on the Bank that issued your card.

Information about the security measures while conducting online transactions by credit card on the Internet

Do not use PIN when ordering goods and services via the Internet, by phone/Fax.

Do not share personal information or information about banking card (account) via the Internet, such as pins, passwords of access to the resources of the Bank, the validity of Bank cards, credit limits, transaction history, personal details.

Use only Internet sites of well-known and trusted organizations of trade and services.

Be sure to verify that the addresses of Internet sites, which are connected and which are going to make a purchase because similar addresses can be used to perform illegal actions.

Pay by card only on the secure pages of the site in the browser address bar will show "https://" and the icon of a closed padlock. The icon means that your data will be sent encrypted

Install on your computer antivirus software and regularly update it and update other software You use (operating system and application programs), it can protect You from malicious software.

It is recommended to make purchases only from your computer in order to preserve the confidentiality of personal data and(or) information on banking card (account).

If the purchase is made using someone else's computer, it is not recommended to save your personal data and other information, and after completion of all steps necessary to ensure that the personal data and other information is not preserved (re-downloading to the browser a web page of the seller, on which you made the purchase)