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Create Tenders for trucking and get best prices

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  • New tender The company has placed a new tender № 220506-3

    Люберцы, МО, Россия
    3204 km
    Make your offer
  • New tender The company has placed a new tender № 220506-2

    Кайсери, Турция
    Новороссийск, Россия
    1076 km
    Рефрижератор (прицеп), Рефрижератор (фургон)
    Make your offer
  • New tender The company has placed a new tender № 220506-1

    Самсун, Турция
    станица Динская, Краснодарский край, Россия
    1212 km
    Рефрижератор (прицеп), Рефрижератор (фургон)
    Make your offer
  • New tender The company has placed a new tender № 220323-2

    Брянск, Брянская обл., Россия
    Рига, Латвия
    896 km
    Make your offer
  • New tender The company has placed a new tender № 220323-1

    Алматы, Казахстан
    Москва, Россия
    3915 km
    Тент, Рефрижератор (прицеп), Изотермический
    Make your offer
  • New offer The company made a tender proposal № 220218-2

    ул. Дружбы, 2, Узловая, Тульская обл., Россия, 301605
    ул. Академика Павлова, 4, Москва, Россия, 121359
    228 km
    Тент, Рефрижератор (прицеп), Фургон, Рефрижератор (фургон)
    Make your offer
  • Real Tenders

    Only “clean” tenders are held on our site. The winner is the one who gives the best price or term!

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    By signing one contract with Cargotenders, you are signing a contract with tens of thousands of companies from around the world.

  • Responsibility

    All responsibility for each transaction rests with Cargotenders. We guarantee peace for both.

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  • Sign a contract with us


    After registration, we will contact you to conclude a contract

  • Begin work


    Create tenders for the delivery of goods and participate in them